Sunday, November 8, 2009


O has learned to spell his name!!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Trick or Treating on Homeland

Owen, Jenna, Bailey, all gathered at their GG's last night for Trick or Treating. GG had all full spread on the bar of snacks, pizza and goodies to make sure nobody would go hungry. Also attending the party were the kids parents, their Grandparents, Amanda, and GG of course. Jon and Connie (Jenna's Grandparents) also brought along their other grand daughter Jesse. It was so good to have her! She is growing up to be such a beautiful young woman, and always a joy to be around.

The goal of the evening was to get all the kids - in their costumes - together - in a picture! That is a LOT to ask of 2 two year old's and an infant! We did our best but Owen was more interested in running back in the kitchen where the candy was.
So we got Jenna and Bailey.......

Then we got Owen but lost Jenna.........Like I said we did our best.

Time for TRICK OR TREATING!!! I am not sure if Jacob was more excited or Owen. Bailey had to go and visit more family and Jenna decided to stay at GG's, so off we went with Owen. Much our surprise, the neighborhood that used to have all porch lights on just waiting to hand out candy was now very dark. What is up with that?? We did find about 7 or 8 houses participating, which turned out to be just enough.

He did so good!! Jacob and I were so impressed-- He told everyone "trick or treat" AND "thank you". He even have a few "Happy Halloween's"! What a pro!

Tonight we will trick or treat Washington-so we will see if we have a repeat?

I just had to add this in also-- This was when Auntie G was telling Bailey bye!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Pumpkin Patch

Owen has this book about a pumpkin named Spookley. He just loves the book and wants to read it almost every night. He calls it is "punt-kin"book. We were at the grocery store the other day when he spotted the pumpkins and he just had to have one, or so he thought. He had been very good in the store so we got him one of those little ones. For days he carried it around and even took it to bed. Thank goodness it has not started to spoil yet!

After hearing what a great time James, Skye & Bailey had at the pumpkin patch we decided to take Owen. Our first thought was to have see if Bailey could go again so we could get some super cute pictures of the two together at the patch. However, Owen had other plans! He ran circles over and around the pumpkins, touching each one. Picking up all the little ones he could. I followed him around with the camera like the paparazzi trying to capture all of it I could. I wish I could capture the giggle and excitement that went along with it to share with you. Of course when it was time to go he was not ready, but we let him pick out his very own pumpkin to take home.

What's new?

It has been quite some time since my last blog so I must apologize to all you followers! What is new? Let's see-- Well, Owen turned 2 at the beginning of October. Wow, how time flies! It seems like just yesterday he was being born. He amazes us everyday with new things he is learning and how is personality is growing. And funny... goodness that boy is funny. He probably got it from his Mom! Ha haa.

Here are just a few pics of the Pirate Party we threw for his 2nd Birthday. A very good friend of mine, Savanah helped a ton with the party and all the decorations. I could not have done it without her. We painted pirates for the kids to stick their faces in and have their pictures taken and a large ship for bean bag toss. The majority of the little ones and a few adults came dressed as pirates . O had a blast, as did we.

Friday, August 14, 2009

O's new outfit!

Recently a lady that my Aunt works with went home to Vietnam. She brought back Owen an outfit and said "He just has to have something from over there, he might never get the chance to go." So here it is!! The authentic Vietnamese outfit, hat and all.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Owen & Jenna's Day-O-Fun

Last weekend we got to get Owen's cousin Jenna for an overnight stay. Jenna is 2 months older and such a cutie. She just talks and talks and calls Owen-Ona.

We picked Jenna up in town and ran some errands, so when we got home both kiddos were ready for a nap.

After nap time we had some lunch and played. Owen wanted to play with his animals/bugs, but Jenna wasn't too fond of the bugs so she found the telephone and a few other toys to play with instead. Then finger painting!

By, this time the kids we ready for a snack and some cartoon watching. They just sat so cute and quite, watching cartoons and sharing their goldfish.

The two of them just chat back and forth in their toddler babble. Jenna did a good job of keeping up Owen out of trouble. She would tell him "No no Ona.

After some more playing, it was about time for dinner. So, we all piled in the car and went to pick up a pizza. Since the kids had been so good we let them sit in the living room, eat pizza and watch a movie-Owen's favorite "The Sandlot". Well, Owen ate a hot dog, because he has not figured out how great pizza is yet, but Jenna ate and entire piece. She loved it!!

The kids were wishing their other cousin Tate could come and play so they wrote a note to her and we emailed it on over, with a bit of help from Mom of course. Then bed time. Jenna is so different from Owen. You just put her in bed and off to sleep she goes. Unlike, Owen who has to fight the fight before giving in to sleep.

The next morning we got up and Jenna had some eggs. Apparently, Owen has something against breakfast. No matter what it is, if it is before 10 or 11am he will not eat. The kids played a bit more and then we had to take Jenna back. We dropped her off at her Grandmas and Owen was sure sad to see her go. We had so much fun and cannot wait for her to come back.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I scream, You Scream....Ice Keeeeemmm

What could make your day better? How about hanging with your Dad and sharing a bowl of homemade vanilla ice cream after a blistering hot day? Sounds good to me!

Owen is starting to get the hang of the spoon, and with that he thinks he is done with help from Mom and Dad. Mr. Independent is at the beginning stages of the "I can do it myself" phase, and the favorite thing to use our spoon with is ICE CREAM!!

Not only are we Mr. Independent we are learning our alphabet. When we say "A" he says "B". Also we have a few letters that you can say "A"...and he says "Apple" and M is for..and he says "Mama". Well, "I" is no exception. "I" is for Ice Keeem. The words alone send him into a ball of excitement, running through the house yelling "ice keeeem, ice keeeem.." Until you provide the product, Owen continues, BUT...once the ice cream is given a sudden sugar trance takes over and all contact to the outside world is shut off during consumption.

"Hope you all stay cool and get a chance you enjoy your favorite flavor of "Ice keeeeem"!